New branding and website propel Movaleo’s entry into the medical equipment market 

Launched in 2023, Movaleo caters exclusively to the needs of medical sector professionals.
The company’s mission is to facilitate access to cutting-edge medical equipment by centralizing product distribution, purchasing, and financing on a single, trustworthy online platform.
Movaleo turned to Zerda Digital to create its branding and design its eCommerce-enabled website. 

Awareness and recognition — New company bringing innovation to medical equipment distribution, purchasing and financing. 

Unknown eCommerce website — Design a website that allows users to quickly discover, find and purchase medical equipment while building brand authority and gaining new clients’ trust. 

Branding from the ground-up — Create a memorable brand identity, including new logo. It should recall the medical sector without feeling clinical while also evoking Movaleo’s innovative side in a way that fosters credibility. 

Thanks to a systematic design approach, from research to branding creation to concrete design applications.
Design elements from Movaleo’s logo and brand identity combine to create a sum greater than the parts. The brand feels premium and credible, yet human-scale and approachable, speaking to Movaleo’s commitment to high-tech products and personalized services.
Movaleo’s website provides end users with quick access to information that outlines the company’s value proposition, builds brand authority, and facilitates product and service discovery.